Advancement and Promotion (Tenure Track)

Current and past APT Committee members will discuss the different stages of the tenure and promotion review process, components of a dossier, and tips and strategies to successfully navigate the tenure and promotion process. The workshop is particularly relevant to tenure track assistant professors who are preparing for promotion to associate professor and for tenured associate professors who are preparing for promotion to full professor. It will cover a number of topics, including the standards for evaluating research, teaching, impact, and different types of service and engaged scholarship, the impact of COVID-19 on research plans and progress, recent updates to APT guidelines and and the types of biases and other challenges that may potentially impact candidates' dossiers and ways to mitigate them.
Speakers: Sally Kornbluth, Provost; Jennifer Knust, Professor of Religious Studies; George Truskey, R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Moderator: Abbas Benmamoun, Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement
Panel/Seminar/Colloquium, Webcast, Workshop/Short Course