Duke Faculty Advancement provides leadership, guidance and oversight of university-wide strategies and programs to support faculty throughout their career lifespan.

Pipeline programs to recruitment and hiring to early-career faculty to mid-career faculty to senior faculty to emeriti faculty.

We offer faculty and leadership development programs and partner with Duke schools, departments and other academic units to enhance faculty growth and success.

A diverse faculty — defined broadly as representing a wide range of identities, lived experiences and perspectives — is a prerequisite for excellence and is essential to driving innovation within our scholarly community.

We work to recruit and retain outstanding faculty and strive to promote a welcoming academic culture and community that lives up to the Duke values of respect, trust, inclusion, discovery and excellence.


Culture & Community

Sustained attention to culture and community across Duke is essential to the long-term success of all our efforts. Our academic excellence depends crucially on fostering a culture and community where all members feel valued, supported and welcome, the contributions of all individuals are respected, and all voices are heard.

    Supporting all Duke faculty through attention to culture and community: three areas of work include Recruitment, Hiring and Retention; Faculty Development; and Leadership Development.


    Recruitment, Hiring & Retention

    Our work to partner with schools, departments and units at all stages of the faculty hiring process seeks to strengthen academic excellence and retain Duke’s faculty talent.

    Faculty Development

    Our Faculty Advancement & Success (FAS) suite of programs supports faculty in the various aspects of their professional lives, including teaching, research and service.

    Leadership Development

    Our Leading an Academic Unit at Duke (LAUD) suite of programs provides support, engagement and professional development opportunities for current and prospective faculty leaders.